3GEN+ Mental Health Ministry
One out of every four adults in America is affected by mental illness at some point in their lifetime, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Do you know anyone living with mental illness?
Hundreds of millions suffer from mental illnesses yearly, and many more do over their lifetimes. It’s estimated that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will experience major depression in their lives. (Source: Mental Health - Our World in Data)
The first place many people go for help
Is to the church and to the priests. Yet, the faith communities, for lack of resources, have struggled to minister effectively to people with mental health conditions and their families.
3GEN+ Mental Health Ministry
In this light, our parish is one of the pioneers in addressing this subject matter! We have implemented 3GEN+ Mental Health Ministry to serve the 3 GENerations: youth, parents, elders, and everyone in between!
Do you know anyone living with mental illness?
Hundreds of millions suffer from mental illnesses yearly, and many more do over their lifetimes. It’s estimated that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will experience major depression in their lives. (Source: Mental Health - Our World in Data)
The first place many people go for help
Is to the church and to the priests. Yet, the faith communities, for lack of resources, have struggled to minister effectively to people with mental health conditions and their families.
3GEN+ Mental Health Ministry
In this light, our parish is one of the pioneers in addressing this subject matter! We have implemented 3GEN+ Mental Health Ministry to serve the 3 GENerations: youth, parents, elders, and everyone in between!
How You Can Get Involved
Listen with the Ear of the Heart Training Cohort #10
Interested in becoming a Mental Health Minister? Register for our next FREE training.
- Fully online Zoom class
5.00pm - 6.30pm
(90mins per session, 4 sessions total) -
4 consecutive Mondays
(Oct 21 - Nov 11)
The Sanctuary Course For Catholics
Facilitators needed! If you are interested in being a facilitator for The Sanctuary Course For Catholics, please contact us at mentalhealth@sfoasjmhm.com
- St. Francis of Assisi
Grace Alliance Spiritual Support Group
Facilitators needed! If you are interested in being a facilitator for Grace Alliance Spiritual Support Group, please contact us at mentalhealth@sfoasjmhm.com
- St. Francis of Assisi
Volunteer: Tabling Event
(Note that all volunteers must complete the Volunteer Compliance procedure before volunteering)
- St. Francis of Assisi
Volunteer: CareNotes
- Packaging and updating the CareNotes wall weekly.
- Coming up with ideas on how to distribute CareNotes to the community.
(Note that all volunteers must complete the Volunteer Compliance procedure before volunteering)
- St. Francis of Assisi
- Flexible
- Weekly
Join Us in Mental Health Ministry!
- Exploring possibilities? Contact us to explore how you can serve.
(Note that all volunteers must complete the Volunteer Compliance procedure before volunteering)
- St. Francis of Assisi
Our Mission in Mental Health Ministry
Our goals are:
Stop the Stigma
Speak about Mental Illness.
Start Welcoming All
So we all experience being Safe, Seen and Cherished.
Step Alongside
Step alongside those experiencing emotional distress with prayer, kindness, and community resources.
Get In Touch. Get Involved
- Are you interested in more in-depth information and helpful resources on mental health?
- Do you have a heart for helping people living with mental illness and supporting their families?
- Would you like to join our efforts in the Mental Health Ministry, serving our parish community?
Please get in touch with us – We have many ways for you to get involved, and we would love to connect with you! Email us at mentalhealth@sfoasjmhm.com or fill out the form!
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